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Projekt: Cyberbezpieczeństwo dla gospodarki przyszłości

Przyszłość nazywa się "Blockchain"

Data: 31.03.2022

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Blockchain to przyszłość, warto się więcej o niej dowiedzieć. Pomocne w tym będą spotkania z prof. Thomasem Martinem z MMU. Zaczynamy 29 kwietnia.

The aim of this unit is to provide students with an overview of the technologies that underpin cryptocurrencies. It will explore the different components that have been combined to create blockchains and similar platforms. There will also be analysis and discussion of the current and potential future applications of these technologies and the disruption they may bring to many established industries.

Date Time Lecture Topic Lab Topic
29.04.22 13:15 -16:15 Cryptography 1 - Symmetric Encryption and Hashing Password Protected Files
6.05.22 13:15 -16:15 Cryptography 2 - Asymmetric Encryption Hashing
13.05.22 13:15 -16:15 Transactions and Proof-of-Work Public Key Encryption
20.05.22 13:15 -16:15 The Bitcoin Blockchain - Mining Simple Blockchain 1
27.05.22 13:15 -16:15 The Bitcoin Blockchain - Addresses and Wallets Simple Blockchain 2
3.06.22 13:15 -16:15 Blockchain Security Wallets
10.06.22 13:15 -16:15 Ethereum and Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts

Link do spotkania:

Każdorazowo zajęcia prowadzone będą w formule: 45 minut wykład plus 90 minut warsztaty. Zainteresowanych prosimy o zainstalowanie na komputerach oprogramowania

Thomas Martin

Dr. Thomas Martin is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology. He is a member of the Centre for Advanced Computational Science (CfACS) and contributes to the Greater Manchester Cyber Foundry project. He teaches on various Security and Forensics subjects. He has supervised several PhD students and published numerous papers. His research interests cover topics such as Applications of Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrencies, and Digital Forensics.


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